August @ the Library

August is a month of transitions. Summer starts turning into autumn. Children begin returning to school. Vacations wind down; back-to-school shopping starts up. The days start getting shorter; darkness lingers longer in the mornings.

And it’s a perfect month to transition some of your reading habits. Never touch a romance novel? August is Read-A-Romance Month; maybe this is the time. Check out our display of ever-enduring romances (say, Jane Austen) or pick a newcomer (maybe, Colleen Hoover).

We’ve expanded our collection of manga and graphic novels for kids and young adults. Books in this popular genre fly off the shelves – good thing we have plenty!

Stop by August 8 (or later) for a children’s craft.  Something to enjoy before going back to school.

Enjoy your August transitions and check out our September blog to see what we’ll be doing this fall.